How many batch jobs can run at the same time?

Salesforce imposes a limit of 5 on the number of concurrent Apex batch jobs. This includes:

  • Daily batches controlled with HCM Configure settings:

    • Action Creation
    • Action Digest
    • Action Emails Send
    • Handle Future Job History Dating
    • Handle Future Salary Dating
    • Handle Leavers
    • Hold Absence Balances
    • HR Request Finalize
    • Internal Communications Confirmation
    • Update Is Manager Field
    • Stock Option Vesting
    • Anonymize Surveys
    • Reuse Surveys
    • Update Survey Completion
  • Recruit daily batch for Approval Reminders, controlled with the Recruit Configuration Reminder Email Sent Time.
  • Batches triggered by edits, for example for sharing and Action Events.
  • Scheduled reports and dashboards.

Optimize performance by:

  • Staggering start times for configurable batches, wherever possible ensuring there is time for each batch to run to completion before the next one starts.
  • Agreeing the order and timing of execution with administrators and HR Managers, ensuring batches run so the results are ready when needed.